
Change \wrap text\ default for photos word mac
Change \wrap text\ default for photos word mac

change \wrap text\ default for photos word mac

Use single quotes instead of double quotes. false - Only add semicolons at the beginning of lines that may introduce ASI failures.true - Add a semicolon at the end of every statement.Print semicolons at the ends of statements. (Tabs will be used for indentation but Prettier uses spaces to align things, such as in ternaries.) Semicolons Indent lines with tabs instead of spaces. Specify the number of spaces per indentation-level. (If you don’t want line wrapping when formatting Markdown, you can set the Prose Wrap option to disable it.) Tab Width max-len just says what the maximum allowed line length is, but not what the generally preferred length is – which is what printWidth specifies. In other words, don’t try to use printWidth as if it was ESLint’s max-len – they’re not the same. You need to explicitly tell them what to do, while humans can make their own (implicit) judgements, for example on when to break a line. Prettier will make both shorter and longer lines, but generally strive to meet the specified printWidth. It is a way to say to Prettier roughly how long you’d like lines to be. It is not the hard upper allowed line length limit. Prettier’s printWidth option does not work the same way. In practice, the average line length often ends up well below the maximum. Developers often use whitespace to break up long lines for readability. However, when humans write code, they don’t strive to reach the maximum number of columns on every line.

#Change wrap text default for photos word mac code

In code styleguides, maximum line length rules are often set to 100 or 120. Specify the line length that the printer will wrap on.įor readability we recommend against using more than 80 characters: This way the Prettier CLI, editor integrations and other tooling knows what options you use. If you change any options, it’s recommended to do it via a configuration file.

change \wrap text\ default for photos word mac

To learn more about Prettier’s stance on options – see the Option Philosophy. Prettier ships with a handful of format options.

Change \wrap text\ default for photos word mac